If you haven’t heard of T4 Syndrome I’m happy to introduce you to it. It is a collection of symptoms that can lead to chronic headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, or arm numbness/tingling/pain.

Here at Chandler Physical therapy, we help patients with this diagnosis nearly every single day. We take a multi-faceted approach. In the videos below we introduce the syndrome and follow up with different treatment approaches!  If you think that you, or a loved one may be struggling with T4 Syndrome then contact us – we can help! Call us at 480-786-4969 or visit HERE to get in contact with us to speak to a therapist for free, just to see what treatment options are out there for you.


Introduction to T4 Syndrome

Dry Needling for T4 Syndrome

Mid Back Manipulation for T4 Syndrome


Click Below if you think you might benefit from speaking further with one of our world class therapists!